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Tuesday 12 December 2017


Hibiscus Uses

High Cholesterol

Studies have shown that hibiscus tea is very effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels. It contains bioflavonoids that help to prevent plaque from building up on the walls of your arteries which lowers your cholesterol and helps to prevent a number of other serious diseases.

 High Blood Pressure

Much research has been done on the effects of hibiscus tea in those with high blood pressure. Drinking just 8 ounces 3 times each day will seriously help you to keep your blood pressure under control.


Imagine not having to spend a small fortune on anti-aging creams and potions. Hibiscus tea has been used for centuries in places like Egypt, China and others to prevent aging. It contains many antioxidants which eliminate the free radicals that are in your body.

 Weight Loss

Hibiscus is a natural appetite suppressant. It can help you to lose weight without worrying about taking diet pills or having surgery to shrink your stomach. Just drinking a cup each day will help you to eat less and we all know that eating less is what causes weight loss.


Those who suffer from mood swings and depression will find that drinking just one 8 ounce serving of hibiscus tea each day will significantly improve those  Lower Hormone Levels

Diabetes and Liver Disease

Hibiscus tea is used in India to treat both types of diabetes and has shown amazing results. It is also used widely in Eastern medicine as a treatment for many types of liver disease.Studies done on mice showed that drinking the tea can prevent liver damage that could be incurred by taking too much acetaminophen or Tylenol as well as other pain killers that can cause liver damage.

www.tmpooja online

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