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Thursday 7 December 2017


  Amazing Benefits Of Tulsi/Basil For 
 Skin, Hair And Health

How Does Basil Benefit My Health?

Holy basil is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps combat a plethora of serious ailments like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It even fights inflammation. And guess what, there are so many other benefits.

 Is Good For The Heart
Basil contains flavonoids, which reduce the risk of platelets forming clots on the arterial walls – this eventually prevents coronary heart disease and heart attacks.

As per an Australian study, basil can help prevent  with heart disease being one of them. The herb is also credited with preventing numerous cardiac disorders.

Relieves Stress

 most countries, basil is considered a powerful adaptogen (anti-stress agent). The herb also possesses significant anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties.Lower cortisol levels can result in reduced anxiety and emotional stress.

Helps Fight Cancer

Surprisingly enough, basil could be your answer to cancer. One study states that basil extracts can have radioprotective properties, which can help kill tumor cells in the body.

Basil contains eugenol, which was found to have anticancer properties. In another study, supplementation of basil (at a dosage of 300 mg per kilogram of bodyweight) was found to significantly reduce the formation of cancerous enzymes. Additionally, healthy enzymatic activity saw an increase post the supplementation.

Prevents Eye Disorders

We know how vulnerable our eyes are. They are susceptible to numerous fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. Basil can help fight these infections, one of them being conjunctivitis. And the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of basil protect the eye from free radicals and environmental damage.

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