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Saturday 9 December 2017



Jathikai(in Tamil) is called as Nutmeg in English. Jathikai is widely used in Tamil Nadu for the benefits the spice offers. It is also called as Jathikka. It has plenty of nutritional value. It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Niacin, Folic acid, Ribloflavin, Beta-Carotene.

Whenever you use jathikai, make sure that you include only a dash of it. Nutmeg powder should not be used in more quantity.

Jathikai | Nutmeg is available in most of the Indian grocery stores. It is available in whole and powder form.

Jathikai is the seed of the tree, "Myristica fragrans" which is native to Indonesia. It looks great in its beautiful round shape.

Jathikai Uses | Health Benefits of Nutmeg:

Jathikai is used to improve the over all health. It has antiseptic, anti spasmodic, anti rheumatic, analgesic, digestive and comforting properties.

 Jathikai for face, skin and hair:

Jathikai is good in treating pimples, blemishes, acne and acne scars. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Just swipe the jathikai in a wet stone and apply the paste on the pimples. Repeat it daily till the pimple and scars goes off. Make sure that you clean and pat dry your face before applying.

If you have jathikai powder, mix it with water and make a thick paste. Clean and wipe the face gently. Apply the jathikai powder paste directly on the pimples.

You can use freshly ground nutmeg powder too.

After applying, wait for 20 minutes and wash it off with clean water. Pat dry your face.

You can also mix tumeric powder, sandalwood powder with the jathikai powder. Instead of water, you can use rose water or milk to make the paste.

.jathikai for babies:

Jathikai is good for babies. But please limit the quantity you give to babies with just a swipe.  It induces the sleep in babies. This is a very old home remedy. People give it as a part of Ura marundhu. People give vasambu, sukku, masikkai, kadukkai and few other ingredients also along with nutmeg.


Do not add too much of nutmeg powder. A pinch of nutmeg powder is the recommended dosage. I have never added more than that. It is good to limit yourself to 1 to 2 pinches of Nutmeg powder for adults and 1 swipe for babies and not more than that without medical advice.

Over dosage of nutmeg powder can induce severe side effects like nausea, headaches, dizziness, dry mouth and memory disturbances.  It is good to avoid nutmeg during pregnancy.

So, please keep jathikai away from children.

www.tmpooja online

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