Brazil Nuts surprise benefits
Brazil nuts are important health benefits that help skin care and weight loss, reduce aging symptoms, balance hormone functions, and increase heart health. These nuts enhance the immune system, promote growth and repair, improve digestive function, increase the risk of cancer and increase male fertility.
What is Brazil Nuts?
With scientific name Bertholletia excelsa, a nutrient dense and tasty type of nuts coming from a tree in South America bearing the same name in Brazil nuts. The tree survives to the South American countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Brazil, and is often found on the banks of large rivers. This is a very large tree, so the harvest of Brazil nuts is huge.
Brazil Nuts Health benefits
One of the healthy nuts available in the market, despite the presence of high fat content, is a great requirement for these tasty brown nuts. Explain the interests of Brazil nuts:
Improve your heart health
Brazilian nuts are one of the most controversial and beneficial features of the dramatically high content of healthy unsafe fats, usually better form of HDL or fat or omega-3 fatty acids. It contains oxychloride and polyethylic acid.
Balancing the body's cholesterol profile by removing dangerous omega-6 fatty acids from health and cardiovascular systems and improving cardiovascular health is also linked to the body of these types. Although their ability to balance the cholesterol level can prevent much heart attacks, strokes, and parasites, we can not find a high risk of fat in Brazil nuts.
Skin care
Brazil nuts It's great for vitamins and nutritional supplements to enhance skin health. Selenium skin in Brazil nuts increases the flexibility of the skin and prevents premature aging.
Weight loss
Overall nutrients are the most fulfilling snacks in Brazil nuts, such as high fiber, proteins and complex carbohydrates. So, when these nuts are consumed, you are less likely to be baked and you can test extra calories from unhealthy snacks. Brazilian nuts contain an ounce of about 200 calories, so these nuts are consumed.
The digestive system stimulates
The fiber content in Brazil nuts makes them great for tuning your digestive system. Fiber helps in the gastroenteritis in the gastrointestinal system, migrate through the digestive system and extract as many nutrients as possible. This helps prevent severe conditions such as gastric ulcers, constipation, swelling, disorders, and colon cancer.
Improve hormone function
Selenium content in Brazil nuts plays an important role in proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Essential hormones in the body are manufactured, supplied, and controlled, containing the thyroid gland. By ensuring the proper function of your thyroid hormone (and thyroid production), the more intensive selenium will ensure metabolism.
Boost immune system
It is useful for any diet rich in nutrients to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidant and organic compounds in this nut make it a strong contender for immune-enhancing nuts around it. Vitamin C is a stimulating selenium and zinc that stimulates the production of white blood cells and antioxidant compounds.
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