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Wednesday 13 December 2017


 Korai Kizhangu

We call nut grass rhizomes Korai Kizhangu | Muthakasu in Tamil and Nagarmotha in Hindi. Nut grass is considered a weed but the rhizomes of the grass are regarded very highly in ayurvedic medicine and has been used for thousands of years. The grass is used to make mats and you will never find a single home in our village without the mat, we call it korai pai. Though you get plastic mats, I would suggest trying mats made out of nagarmotha, I am sure you will love it as much as I do. The botanical name of nagarmotha is Cyperus Rotundus and it is said to have been originated in India.

 Nagarmotha Essential Oil For Skin: 

Nagarmotha oil is a very very effective as a massage oil. It has been proven to have antibacterial properties. But never use the oil directly, always combine it with a base oil like unrefined coconut oil or sesame oil. Massaging the body with nagarmotha oil treats all the skin infections very effectively. 

 Nagarmotha For getting rid of intestinal worms

Nagarmotha is a very effective ingredient to get rid of intestinal worms. Nagarmotha powder taken along with little bit of ginger powder and honey is a very effective treatment for intestinal worms.

Nagarmotha For Diabetes: 

 Nagarmotha powder has been proven through research to significantly reduce the blood sugar levels. There are also very few side effects of taking nagarmotha.

Nagarmaotha For Diarrhea: 

Nagarmotha decoction is used for treating diarrhea and is also proven through clinical research.

 This is a very safe treatment but it takes consistent daily use to see results...

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