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Thursday, 1 March 2018


How to whiten your teeth naturally?

Use baking soda!
 Baking soda is included in a natural teeth whitener and many toothpaste. Try to mix a quarter teaspoon packet into soda water and use it to your teeth with teeth. Alternatively, add baking soda to a cheap toothpaste. It will not damage your teeth in any way, but will gradually wipe over time. Scientific - Baking Soda is a natural cleaning and oxygen agents.

Eat strawberries:
They may naturally bleed your teeth due to malic acid. Science - Malic acid is a natural refining.

Hot Salt Water:
Your teeth naturally penetrates and protects your gums (which is a natural bacteria). Salt into a teaspoon of hot kettle in boiled water (cool) and put it in the mouth. Science - Salt is a natural bacterial work by attacking bacterial cell walls. Science - Malic acid is a natural refining.

 Eat white food:
The foods you eat will be your teeth. Eat chicken, rice and fish. Avoid pigmented foods like beetroot, blueberries, carrots and Chinese / Indian cottage (which has a lot of yellow or food colors). Science - White foods are not colorful. Food colors stain teeth by controlling the tooth surface.

Eat apples:
Apples are one of the natural cleansing foods. Science - again Malik acid is a natural refining.

Drinking water or milk:
You can drink lemon or tonic water. White wine is better than red wine. Science - Paul calcium helps to strengthen the enamel and structure and jaw bone. Water is a natural refining blank plate.

Use electric brush:
You can remove only 70% more block than manual brushes by an electric cloth. The new Sonicare Black Diamond Brush stimulates the 31,000 brush lateral speeds per minute and has a laser method to remove any stains (a special three-minute rotation for all teeth). Science - Wipe electrical paddles by vibrating or rotating efficiently and efficiently than manual brushing.

Eat Milk:
Another great natural refining diet that strengthens teeth. Science-cheeses contain calcium and has a refining surface system (especially hard cheese like cheddar).

Coconut oil can be rinsed with a mouth (pulling oil):
Use a teaspoon of coconut oil and swipe in the mouth to absorb. It's better (15 minutes better time). Science - This eliminates bacteria and helps to prevent browning from teeth.

Watch your dental work:
the teeth should be cleaned and checked. If the advice is given, you can consider professional laser teeth whitening. Science - Only your dentist can check for cavities. X-rays are needed to test the teeth and the inside of the jaw. The laser teeth are thrown into hydrogen peroxide by a laser light from the teeth within 1 hour.

Use the ingredients to clean and tooth brushes:
It is made from a coconut shell carcin that is made for a 100% natural toolkit. For example the diamond hamsters only offer £ 16.99 - this is powerful, absorbing toxins and removing bacteria from the mouth.

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